Ruth 021 449 968 Lindy 021 453 450
Email: email ruth / email lindy

What we do

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Supervision training
and facilitation

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Systemic Exploration

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Purpose and Vision

  • Our purpose is to offer supervision training, group facilitation and individual supervision.
  • Our vision is for professionals to remain vital, spontaneous and creative in their work with their clients and colleagues.
  • We encourage the people we work with to explore their lives and the place of work in the context of the bigger picture.

What does Supervision mean for Jumpsuit Consulting


Systematic Exploration "It's a jungle out there" supervision christchurch

Systematic Exploration “It’s a jungle out there”

Supervision provides individuals and groups with a supportive, open and professional forum in which to explore their clinical practice and develop their professional self.

Jumpsuit Consulting believes ongoing supervision increases professional connection, helps people make sense of their experience, assists in identifying emotional exhaustion and compassion fatigue, and improves work culture and environments.

People are able to return to their work place with a different perspective.

The emphasis for Jumpsuit Consulting’s work in group supervision is on creating a climate where people feel connected and have a sense of belonging and commitment to each other and the work they do with their clients. As a result they have more energy and purpose for their client work.

The outcome of creating positive healthy relationships in the workplace means the organisation can rely on their employees to focus on their work with purpose and diligence.
jumpsuit lindy and ruth supervision Christchurch professionalsThe point of difference Jumpsuit Consulting has is driven by our philosophy of relationship, vitality and the skills and ability to respond in the moment to whatever emerges with spontaneity and Aroha.

Jumpsuit originated out of a road trip conversation in 2014 wishing to encapsulate the vibrancy we both feel towards our work and personal beliefs.

We were previously working under the name Encompass Training Ltd and we have been working together since 2011.