Ruth 021 449 968 Lindy 021 453 450
Email: email ruth / email lindy

Welcome to Jumpsuit Consulting, a website offering information about Clinical Supervision training and support in Christchurch.

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Supervision training
and facilitation

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Systemic Exploration

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We are 2 vibrantly aging women with backgrounds in nursing who are committed to providing support and a space for people who work with people to reflect on themselves and the work they do.

We design and provide supervision training workshops for organisations dedicated to supporting their people, with the emphasis on personal and professional development to notice, lead and relate to each other in the healthiest possible way.

  • Professional supervision, individual and group
  • Training and education in supervision
  • Support for teams in promoting a healthy workforce: helping teams grow.

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is reflected in the way we live and work: with awareness, encouragement to be the best we can be with vitality, courage and authenticity. We work in a way that is purposeful and responsive to whatever happens in the moment.

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christchurch supervision lindy and ruth

supervision Christchurch lindy and ruth

clinical supervision christchurch

christchurch supervision services lindy and ruth